Thursday, November 10, 2005


I lost it today. My mind, my composure, my privacy.
I had a rough morning. A song on my mix CD set me off, and I couldn't get out of the car. I was a blubbering fool. When I was finally able to function, I wandered into the lecture hall, and I was not a pretty sight. A colleague asked if I was okay, and I mumbled something or other on the way to a vacant row of seats. Out of nowhere I was blindsided. Tim, whose lovely wife had just last week given birth to their "surprise, accidental, bad-timing, unplanned, wish-it-was-a-girl" baby, gave me a hearty pat on the shoulder, and said, "Here, this should cheer you up!" as he handed me two photos of their newborn son.
I barely had time to scream as I ran from the room.
No shit, I was making some sort of sick gurgling choked mutant squealing kind of noise as I literally bolted towards the door. I stood at the slow-ass fucking elevator trying to catch my breath, when all that was coming out was terrifying sobs and panting and nonsensical noise that drew profs from other classes into the hall to see what beast was being slaughtered.
As I stood outside in the bitter cold wind, mentally trying to claw my way back up to the earth's crust (even though it was warm down there, those flames kinda tingle), I thought of every horrible thing I could possibly do to that motherfucking sonofabitch to pay him back for inflicting his infant on me TODAY of all days. I wanted to go in there with MY photoalbum and make him look at MY son that was stillborn in February, and my OTHER son who just died on Friday. How do you like THAT, asshole? Huh? Nice pictures, aren't they? Bet my babies aren't as much trouble as yours is, with you having to get up in the middle of the night and FEED it and CHANGE it and CUDDLE it. I hope you die, you self-indulged cocksucker with all your whiney-ass complaining "I wanted a girl", "I didn't want a baby right now, we're so busy", "I wish he would have waited another week to come, it was hard to study for this last exam and go to the hospital, too".
But, I managed to calm down before any carnage occurred.
When I was able to return upstairs, I discreetly motioned for him to meet me in the hall. I apologized for whatever I may have said or done inappropriately. I told him about Nicholas, and I told him about The Maybe. He said he had no idea, and he was sorry. He gave me a politically correct hug, and told me to "hang in there".
I want to dissect him and wrap him in his own entrails.
I've had comments and questions about the possibility of Incompetent Cervix. This is something my doctor brought up with me before I even had a chance to ask. As a matter of fact, he stopped me short by explaining how it was too soon for IC to be an issue. The fetus was too small to put enough pressure on my cervix, and besides, my history proves that my cervix is actually quite competent. Stubborn, perhaps.
So here's the thing. My uterus is slightly offended by the assumption that compliance and cooperation are considered an issue. My vagina could really care less, and doesn't want to be part of the argument. So maybe it is not a question of competence. My cervix is simply passive-aggressive. We will try to avoid pissing it off in the future.
But, in all seriousness, once we find out if something was wrong with the baby, the placenta, or whatever, there will be an investigation into how my body handled the situation. There were a few issues at play, and we need answers.
Goran Visnjic is HOT. There. I said it. I lust for Luka. Reminds me of Dr. Wonderful, except MY doc's eyes are a wicked shade of blue. So there. I need a drink.


Blogger lorem ipsum said...

You know, right after my hair appointment I am really, really tempted to drive up there and beat the shit out of Tim. He owes YOU all apologies.

I hope you find a way to sabotage his work from here on out. His flippant attitude from beginning to end is unforgivable. I pity his wife.

Fri Nov 11, 08:21:00 AM EST  
Blogger AJW5403 said...

I do hope that pathology can give you some answers. While reading your post I just wanted to scream when I read that man shoved those pictures in front of you. I still steer clear of any pregnant people or recently born children just can’t do it. I am keeping you in my thoughts and hope that you get some answers.

Fri Nov 11, 09:23:00 AM EST  
Blogger Catherine said...

Oh sweetie...I'm so so sorry. Ignorance truly is bliss for other people. But maybe, just maybe, you have helped him adjust his attitude and the way he treats other people (I know I'm wishful thinking here). I'm just so sorry you had to deal with that. You deserve some peace.

Sending you hugs.

Fri Nov 11, 10:16:00 AM EST  
Blogger DD said...

If the twinkie and PMS defense can reduce murder to manslaughter, I'm sure you would receive a full pardon if you had followed-thru.

And I'm glad you went back to let him know why you reacted the way you did, because I'm sure he felt like a total fuck and will be a little more sensitive (cautious) in the future.

Fri Nov 11, 10:39:00 AM EST  
Blogger Roxanne said...

Oh yuck. I am so sorry you had to go through that. People are so oblivious and idiotic sometimes. I am so sorry that you're in so much pain right now. I hope that it lifts as soon as possible and that life brings some good things your way.

Fri Nov 11, 02:25:00 PM EST  
Blogger Lala said...

You set a high benchmark of class by going back in to talk to him. You're a better woman than I.
And yes, Goran IS hot!

Fri Nov 11, 02:49:00 PM EST  
Blogger scissorbill said...

I've never met a Tim that I like.

Fri Nov 11, 04:03:00 PM EST  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

What an asshole Tim is! I hope he doesn't mind my saying so. In fact, why don't you introduce us, I'll say it in person! (Really. This is something I could SO do for you.)

Luka is so my type. And I'm part Croatian, so I could probably learn to speak the language. Or at least stop drooling when I hear it.

Fri Nov 11, 10:15:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just so sad for you. We all wish we could wave our magic wands and make your pain go away.
Lisa (from I'm tired of needing to dust(

Sat Nov 12, 07:35:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I'm sure you're surrounded by painful reminders as it is. You certainly didn't need one shoved in your face. It's good that you went back to say something, although his "hang in there" comment tells met that he still doesn't get it. I hate "hang in there." I mean, really, what the hell does that mean, anyway?

Sat Nov 12, 10:41:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus. Oh how terrible. I admire you so much for having the strength or whatever it takes to explain yourself to him. I don't think I could have done it. That ambush was hell, pure and simple. And the timing could not have been worse if he had deliberately set out to hurt you. I hope he has learned a lesson now.

You are in my thoughts.

And you've got good taste in doctors, real and fictional.

Sun Nov 13, 07:13:00 AM EST  
Blogger laura said...

julie, i know how rough these encounters are, but i'm so proud of you for going back to explain to this man why you ran out. you honored the maybe by doing so. and i really believe you're helping yourself, too, by telling the story to whomever rather than suffering alone.

love to you.

Sun Nov 13, 08:29:00 AM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

People like Tim are ignorant. They just cannot conceive of the pain you are going through but the shame of it all is, they don't even try. Unfortunately, the only way to understand is to "join the club".

The world is not fair, because the people who deserve club membership rarely get it, and those who really don't deserve it, often end up joining involuntarily.

Hugs to you, babe.

Sun Nov 13, 06:59:00 PM EST  
Blogger Sue said...

Oh God, Julie. I am so sorry. Catching up on my blogs and I just can't believe it.

I think you handled yourself well with Tim. It's amazing how fucking ignorant people are, isn't it?

Sun Nov 13, 11:29:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Julie, I don't even know what to say. I haven't been reading blogs lately. I'm so sorry, truly and deeply sorry for your loss.
I hope you find some peace soon. ((hugs))

Sun Nov 13, 11:34:00 PM EST  
Blogger VHMPrincess said...

I cannot believe that. I am so sorry, I don't even know what to say.

Mon Nov 14, 10:05:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just don't let that guy get into a room of infertile bloggers - because we might just have to plead justifiable homicide because he was such and ASS.

I hate him too. I had someone do something very similar to me after one of my miscarriages. It's not pretty.

And by the way, why would anyone think that their newborn baby photos would "cheer" anyone up. newborns pretty much all look like raisins or Elmer Fudd, and they don't usually look happy. So what's so cheery about that?

Mon Nov 14, 07:13:00 PM EST  

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