Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Mr. Big was starving to death on the way to summer school this morning. He was wilting from the early-morning heat and humidity, what with not being fed and watered appropriately prior to our mad dash out the door. With much pleading and bargaining, he proceeded to convince me a stop at a drive-thru would be favorable.
I know I said technology was scary, but dammit, I think now-a-days it is downright necessary.
Pulling into the deserted parking lot, I thought to myself, "This can't be right". One car in the drive-thru ahead of me. They pull up, and proceed directly to the window. Hmmm. I pull up. "I'm sorry, but our system is down, could you please pull up to the second window?"
I proceed to wait at the first window.
Funny looking nerd in a ball cap taps on the window, frantically gesturing for me to move up.
Oh, yeah.
Wait behind the first person.
Are you sure you're really THAT hungry, my darling child?
Waiting. Sulking, seething, whimpering from seat beside me. "I'm going to be late".
Proceed to second window.
Nice lady at window hands me yogurt and water. I didn't order yogurt and water. Mr. Big rolls eyes and grumbles something naughty.
Proceed to actually order the food.
Waiting. New lady, again with the yogurt. Tempted to just take it.
Food arrives, paid with a $20, nerd in ballcap drags out abacus to calculate my purchase.
I'm in "luck", says he, we're not charging tax today. Why, thank you, my dear sweet fry monkey. Can I go now?
Mr. Big ravenously consumes his bagel and burrito, and mentions they forgot the hash browns. Pondering to myself if it is worth the trip back. Decide it is. I really like hash browns.
Drop of the boy, and head back to town.
Pull up to speaker box.
"I'm sorry but our system is down, could you...".... I pull up to the second window.
Explain the absence of said fried spuds, and bite into my own (now cold) breakfast. Wrong sandwich. Mention the error to fry monkey. Eyes rolling, he uses a pencil to write down what I had ordered the first time. Siiiiiigh, he says, simulating sincerity. He probably spit in my food.
There must be something inherently defective with children over 12 and orbital traction. Will have to research that.
New, hot, fresh food in bag, with hash browns, and I'm on my way. Give other (wrong, cold)sandwich to babydawg upon arrival home. Decided I didn't like the new sandwich all that much after all, give it to Bigdawg. Hashbrowns are all limp and rubbery. Pour myself the largest mug of coffee I could carry, and sit down here to bore you with my problems.
I'm lovin' it.


Blogger S said...

Stupid people suck.

The last time I was there, I ordered at the window speaker-thingy, then get to the second window (where they told me to go), to be told (with a snotty teen attiTUDE) "you were supposed to go to the first window to pay"....and actually expected me to back my car up to the first window. I told the snotty zit-encrusted thing (wasn't sure if it was male or female) that he could kiss my hungry ass and take the damn coin and gimme my high-caloric, heart attack inducing meal.

And, still we go there.....why?

I think it's for the fries-they're too damn good.

Wed Jul 27, 03:05:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

i would never go there, except that they lace the hash browns with crack. so i can't be held responsible.

Thu Jul 28, 08:53:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

See, that's my secret plan. Eat poorly, become addicted to crack, and then become pregnant. Worked for the girl down the street.

Thu Jul 28, 09:41:00 AM EDT  

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