Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Hey, guess what? I figured out a little secret.
If you accidentally buy really crappy tasting coffee because it was cheaper, you won't want to drink it as much, thus weaning yourself from the evil caffeine addiction.
Sort of an accidental discovery, but perhaps it will work.
I think I have narcolepsy.
We actually put up all of our clean laundry for the past two weekends. I can't find half of my things.
Gerry might take of work next Friday to come to the u/s appointment. Maybe. I told him that I'd hate for him to miss a day of work if there's no heartbeat. He said what if it's too early to see a heartbeat? That would suck, too. I'm confident that IF there's one to be seen, it should be seen, because we saw Nick's at 6-7 weeks, and the doc obviously thinks we should detect one (or else he wouldn't have scheduled me for then, right?). Imagine them not seeing one , "yet", and telling me to come back in a couple of weeks to recheck. I.Would.Freak.
Was feeling forlorn yesterday that I wasn't feeling very pregnant. Then 5pm hit and all my non-existent symptoms reared up and kicked my ass. All right, already. I get it!
I saw a picture of Dr. Wonderful the other day. Other than his amazing blue eyes and his sexy accent, he's really not as hot as I remembered. His wanding skills, on the other hand... well, it's worth it. {teeheehee}
I have this overwhelming desire to adopt a kitten. The husband, he would not be pleased.
My vehicle was due for tags and inspection 15 days ago.
My underarms refuse to submit to the powers of antiperspirant. I, too, have succumbed to Laura's swampititis.
My hair is falling out in large clumps as I brush my mane each morning. There is, however, no shortage of stubble on my chin, upper lip, and toes. And just how often should I shave my legs, anyway? Cripes.
I am seriously toying with the thought of playing hookey today. Wonder if I should risk it. On the one hand, I could get alot done here at home. On the other hand, what if I end up needing time off in the upcoming weeks/months? And on the other hand, oh yeah, I don't have another hand. But that would be cool.


Blogger Jillian said...

You are completely nuts. That's all I have to say.

And I hope my pits don't go the way of yours and Laura's. Summer's a comin' and it gets mighty hot here!

Obvioulsy, that you are completely nuts is not all I had to say. Thanks for the giggle though:)

Wed Sep 14, 07:05:00 AM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

my pits currently smell like rubberband balls that have been greedily accumulated by 11 year old boys with grubby hands and bounced repeatedly on the side walk and picked up all kinds of grubbiness in so doing and are warm from being in said 11 year olds' pockets. (shudder) maybe i should blog about it. people seem to really dig it when i go gross, although i do have a grosser story for today - stay tuned.

as for leg shaving, the only thing that keeps my legs shaved is regular dr appts. imagine my horror last week when i made my unplanned trip to the ER - i hadn't had a dr's appt in over a week, so it had been over a week since the last shave. i'm pretty sure i saw a look of disgust when my ob spread my knees. hmmmm...maybe more blog fodder there...

Wed Sep 14, 03:39:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

I have noticed that people are really concerned about their level of grooming with regards to their nether regions and OBs...I need to pick up my game a little methinks *blush* LOL!

My OB kinda flies blind though so I guess it's a little less important in that case. I can always braid it if it gets too long :-D~

Wed Sep 14, 08:30:00 PM EDT  

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