Tuesday, September 27, 2005

No news is Good news

Hubby went for the treadmill. Didn't see the doctor. "Some guy" was there with the nurse, but he didn't introduce himself. I am assuming he was the cardiologist's associate.
Apparently G passed, because they let him go home. He is under the assumption that someone might call him someday to tell him how it went and what to do next. This is why you don't let them out by themselves. I was not there; however, if I were, I would have played 20 questions and got some damn answers.
So, I am going on the mantra that no news is good news, and all is well.
He still complains of chest tightness, and his pain ranges from 2-4 depending on the activity (it was a nice solid 9 when we went to the ER).
I gave him some Mylanta, just in case it's simply a gassy/heartburn kind of thing which we both really kinda doubt but why not play games trying to diagnose it ourselves when nobody else seems clearly willing to do it blah blah blah.
Tomorrow is another day. We shall see. So far so good, though, really, so I shan't complain. Much.
Thanks for your warm thoughts.

Have a Happy Humpday, everybody!


Blogger Reese Dixon said...

I just got back into town so I've missed all your scary news! I'm so glad things are looking optimistic. I'm sure you're right that if it were anything to worry about they would've gotten right on it.

Wed Sep 28, 07:04:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said...

"some guy" was there? lol...are you sure he actually went to the right place and hasn't been secretly signed up for some mysterious experiment that we'll all see on a Dateline expose' and that will be the subject of a class action lawsuit sometime in the future?

Wed Sep 28, 09:57:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

some guy in a trench coat kept asking me to bend over, i don't know why....lol

Wed Sep 28, 04:34:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad he's feeling better, but I wish you had gotten some more concrete answers...hope all turns out okay.

Wed Sep 28, 06:09:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

hmmm... no cardiac meds or anything?? just the test stuff with some guy? I'm no nurse (I just work with 'em) but that sounds odd. I hope he's ok.

Wed Sep 28, 11:15:00 PM EDT  

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