Tuesday, October 18, 2005

And then...

I had my 10w(2d) appt with Dr. Wonderful.
When I first went in for this pregnancy, I was informed that he was so busy now, they were utilizing nurse midwives for the more routine appointments. I was a bit taken aback, and I protested gently, kindly, hesitantly... I am not a "routine" patient, and I want The Man.
Yesterday, I got to meet my CNM. I love her. Oh my, what a difference, just to have another woman, a nurse, a confidant to chitter chatter away with about nuts and bolts and soft cheeses. I still got to see my beloved doc, but only after a half-hour social call with "Patti", precious, precious Patti. She did my internal exam and chlamydia swab. She poked the boobies. She dopplered the heartbeat and found it straight away. She hugged me when I cried. She asked me all about Nicholas, and the miscarriage, and the infertility, and even The Boy (she just happens to have a daughter the same age). I don't expect this kind of visit every time, mind you, but yesterday, it was what I needed.
Dr. Wonderful was of course running late, so I snoozed on the table while I waited. When I heard his voice outside the door, I sat up, and listened. "How is she?" he asked Patti. She ran down my symptoms/complaints/findings, etc. "Did you get the heartbeat?" he asked her. "Yes, found it lower left, 156." "Oh, GOOD." said he, sighing relief. That's why I love this man. He knocked and entered and put his hand on my shoulder ~ "Hello, Zhooolie, so good to see you". ::swoon::
The rest is rather non-eventful; he went over the list of tests available to me, due to my advanced maternal age and history of loss. He reviewed the whole chromosomal stuff and when we do what and why. (Been there, done that, card-carrying member, thank you). He wants me to stop the glucophage at 12 weeks. He will be testing me earlier (and repeatedly, "if negative") for GDM. I have to commence the fingersticks 4xd now, and he sent me for a thyroid panel and HgA1C. And another urine culture, since the antibiotics ended a couple of weeks ago. I will return in two weeks (Halloween! Boo!). The only down point was that I didn't get a scan. ::whine:: They were busy, and we heard the heartbeat. I hadn't spotted since that one time like 10 days ago, therefore, things must be fine.
Soooo, today, after fasting all night and nearly dying of nausea while waiting at the lab, I finally was able to meet my parents for breakfast before they left town. I had an enormous amount of food, and left it in the parking lot before we drove away. Morning sickness, bulimia, whatever. Oh yeah. And I had lost 1/2lb. There are benefits to this, after all. :-}


Blogger Catherine said...

It all sounds good...except maybe if you're the guy who has to clean the parking lot.

Tue Oct 18, 12:45:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

You're scaring me with the public vomiting here...but combined with everything else, it sounds like a smashing way to wave off your parents!

Tue Oct 18, 04:43:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

to be free of your mother and hear the heartbeat on the same day - glorious!

Tue Oct 18, 06:31:00 PM EDT  

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