Sunday, October 09, 2005

No news is... frustrating

Just an update to say "meh".
Called the office yesterday evening, when the spotting had gone on for a sufficient amount of time (>6hrs). Followed the chain of command. Talked to the "nurse line". Detailed everything. They had the midwife on call return my message. Detailed everything. She called my doc to see what he wanted me to do. He called me back himself. I was amazed. Not altogether surprised, because he is pretty damn awesome, but I did expect a palliative pat on the head and a "nothing we can do" reply from the midwife.
Basically, now don't be shocked to hear this, but there really is "nothing we can do". Just hang in there. Surprised? Me neither. I knew that, but I just had to call anyway. Sort of like beating your head against the wall, just to see if it still hurts. Eventually, after enough concussions, you might develop a certain numbness. I'm not there yet.
"Zhoooolie, vhat es ko-eng on?"
He patiently waits as I tell him.
"Shoo no aht dis stage of ze gam we zhust 'ave to vait. Try to relaxz and dooo nawt vohrrie, plees. Yes?"
He confirmed that we did see a heartbeat previously. This, apparently, is encouraging. Sure it is. Knowing that I've already met my quota for the less-than-1% bullshit than can occur, I must surely be in the clear. Right? As G said, "That is why I have been so googly over this one. I mean, how many problems can one family have in a row?" How many, indeed.
I was instructed to call if cramping became intense or the bleeding was heavy like a period.
He said if I wanted bedrest, I could, but to just take it easy and be optimistic. Positive thinking is good medicine.
I could write volumes on that comment alone. But I shant.
Is shant really a word? I find it rather highbrow; therefore, I use it to sound intelligent. Is it working?
If nothing else develops, we will scan on the 17th. (10w2d)
I had no more spotting overnight.
So far, today, I have not had spotting.
I refuse to ever have sex again. Ever.
I also am refusing to keep this prospect of a Maybe from controlling every aspect of my life. As I have learned, it gets you nowhere, and tends to be a waste of time. Either it will or it won't. 50/50. C'est la vie / c'est la mort... {Merci, Catherine, for the correction.} :o)
I do feel somewhat hopeful in that I am not cramping, and at this point, no longer spotting. That does not mean that I am out of the clear, but for the time being, perhaps things are 'ok'. Just have to wait and see! Zippideedoodah.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Will be sure to keep you updated. Peace.


Blogger Catherine said...

C'est la's not one spelling you can get just by guessing usually. :o)

Sex? You had sex and then spotting? That could be an entirely different matter than the worst case scenario. But I'm sure you know that.

Take it easy. Sending positive thoughts out your way.

Sun Oct 09, 01:56:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

julie, i am crossing my fingers and worrying for you so you can devote yourself to other things.

Sun Oct 09, 03:42:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

Shant. Hmmm. But where would the apostrophe go? Shall not. Sha'nt? Nope. Shan't? Perhaps. Trust the Poms to come up with a word that requires more than one squiggle. Sha'n't?

Take it easy Kid.

Sun Oct 09, 05:01:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Roxanne said...

Crap. NO SPOTTING. That's it. Nobody on my links list is going to miscarry!!! I am banning it. That's that.

Good luck. I hope all turns out well. :(

Sun Oct 09, 08:36:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Donna said...

For most of us, "there is nothing you can do" is about the worst possible thing you can say. I don't really believe in a higher power, all I know is, you have been through enough crap and deserve a break. Fingers crossed.

Sun Oct 09, 10:32:00 PM EDT  
Blogger SWH said...

Well... no spotting today is a good thing! Hope it continues and there are no more worries (well no more really really freaky worries... can't really get rid of them all i know!)

I really hope the best for you.

Sun Oct 09, 10:36:00 PM EDT  
Blogger msfitzita said...

Lots of ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) Julie. I'm thinking of you and hoping everything turns out just fine.

Mon Oct 10, 12:08:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

Commented on an earlier post because I thought I was at the top - d'oh! Anyway, hoping that the spotting stops (note: almost typed "stopping spots" instead) permanently and that all is well.

Mon Oct 10, 04:51:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Reese Dixon said...

I'm devoting all my positive thinking your way today. Be strong!

Mon Oct 10, 07:25:00 PM EDT  

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