Friday, October 21, 2005


Odds and ends on my mind...
Went to sleep last night with someone's radio playing too loud. I could barely make out the music,but at least it wasn't blaringly awful. Not completely. It was Reba; "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia". I didn't care for that song when Vicky Lawrence did it, and yet Reba's version is still inflicting discomfort to us all. I was thinking, in my near-comatose slumber, that I don't really care for her music all that much. I like country, and a few of her songs are pretty good, but when you get into the sappy tell-a-story kind of music, I lose interest. Then I thought, Martina McBride is worse. Beautiful woman, angelic voice, but the content of her lyrics makes me want to gag myself running. (By the way, don't try that). I woke up this morning, and what's on the Today Show? Time to turn on some Staind and go clean my grubby bathroom. Which, by the way, my mother helpfully suggested that Clorox in the corners of the tub might brighten things up a bit. And did you know that bleaches come in scents now? Imagine the freshness! Mmmkay.
So. I've been diligently checking the glucose. I am a good girl. With funky numbers. I'm not "up there" just yet, but I will be. If my numbers are this out of whack while on glucophage, GDM (if not Type II, thank you very much) is lurking around the corner. I am not surprised. Both my mother and grandmother have/had insulin-dependent diabetes. One thing that plagued me with Nicholas' pregnancy, was rebound hyperglycemia. My fasting numbers were higher than my postprandial, without fail. Often, my reading after breakfast was much, much lower than my wake-up number. When the doc increased my bedtime dose, it was worse. He had me wake up around 3 or 4 am and check it. Sure enough, it was really low. What the body does, (or my body at least, and a few others, lest you think I'm a freak) is recognize hypoglycemia, and think, Oh my! She's starving! - then signals the liver to shoot out obscene amount of glucose in order to "correct" itself. Most times, this is easily prevented by a high-protein bedtime snack. Sounds yummy, huh? Cheese and peanutbutter and a glass of milk... mmmm. Except for the fact that nausea, reflux, and often vomiting will follow. What's a girl to do?
Am seriously considering trying out the Brewer Diet. I have mild, albeit chronic hypertension, and am medicated thusly; I have not run the risk of PIH or preecclampsia in the past. I believe that Brewer's plan is suited for carbohydrate intolerance as well as the pre-e/toxemia treatment. When I met with the dietician last year, she gave me this insane diet plan to follow that had a bazillion carbs, and did NOT help my numbers at all. The doc said to cut back on the carbs and add more protein. It helped for a bit. (Unfortunately, with GDM, if it's going to be particularly stubborn, all you can do is sit there and take it. After about your 30th week, you are shit-out-of-luck. ) Maybe I am an Atkins devotee', but I have it on good authority and anecdotal reports that the ADA probably should reevaluate their recommended servings of the major food groups. What works for one type of DM isn't always the answer for another. Insulin resistance is in it's own realm.
And what did I have for dinner last night? Egg rolls and a bite of icecream. Hey, at least I kept it down. Just because I have all the answers doesn't mean I abide by the rules. heh heh ::rolling eyes:: ::sigh:: (Please note the sarcasm.)
My SIL in the lab is becoming reluctant to fork over my results. Says she could "get in trouble". How selfish. (sarcasm again) I will assume that no news is good news, and the office would have informed me if something needed attention. Still. I tend to collect all my wonky data and sincerely need to add it to my binder-o-bliss. Buggers.
Going out on a limb here to offer some relief to those worried about Jill. Hope she doesn't mind, but I thought maybe easing your minds would be okay. She mentioned she was having technical difficulties with the home computer, and is unable to blog at this time. Sorry for sharing your info, dear, but you know how we all worry. :-)
It suddenly got cold yesterday. We have GOT to get our window units out. It started drizzling last night, and it was just lovely to lay on the couch in the dark livingroom with no TV and no interruptions, just listening to the pitter patter of the rain. Today, however, I must go grocery shopping, it is still raining, and in the mid-30s! Is there such a phenomenon as bag-boys anymore? Some burley kid who can load my car FOR me? Chivalry is dead. ::sob::
Oh! And here's a news alert. I'm sporting 4-day hair right now. Ewww, gross. I shower, of course, but haven't had sufficient time to style the 'do over and over again. Hairspray is fucking awesome. It has, however, come to an end, and a good washing is now due. A good thing about early rainy morning shopping is that I can slap on a hairband and shuffle out of the house with little risk of being recognized.
Have a great weekend...


Blogger kate said...

Hi Julie! Thanks for reading my blog...i can't wait to see our front porch either...i guess i have just found yours LOL...i notice our boys have the same name (((((((hugs)))))) I just read a little bit down because i don't have alot of time right now, but i got a real kick out of your momisms! My mother is a piece of work too but i think yours is worse...of course mine is coming to visit in a few weeks so we shall see...

Fri Oct 21, 02:24:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

What does GDM stand for, exactly? I think I get the GD but not the M...

Fri Oct 21, 03:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (or GD for short works too!)

Fri Oct 21, 05:13:00 PM EDT  

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