Monday, October 10, 2005


I like the way that rolls off my tongue.
It runs a close second to moisture.
Someone else blogged about this a million years ago, but it still runs around in my head.
Weird words.
Like spooge.
I was getting dressed today, and thought "spooge-o-matic".
Huh? What an unusual thought for no apparent reason.
If there is one word I am dying to get an explanation for, it would be queef.
I am going to ask Dr. Wonderful about that at my next appointment. When we are going over my symptoms and whatnot, and the subject of gas (yay, progesterone!) arises, I will casually bring up the subject of vaginal flatulence. Just dare me, I swear I will. I will find a way to work into conversation. Inquiring minds want to know. Where does it come from? It's pretty much a closed system in there, not like you're eating or breathing out of it. How in the hell does one develop snatch farts? And is there a scientific term for which to refer to the event? Snatchulence? Varts?
So, not spotting today. Two days, no pink on the paper, and I'm feeling somewhat more relaxed. Had a few episode of nausea, to boot.
Rather than dwell on my Maybe, I am devoting my energy today to others in need of positive thinking. (Is that like an addict lecturing on abstinence?)
Am thinking about Jill, who should be going to her scan right about now (on down-under time, that is).
Am thinking about Catherine who might be in a chocolate coma.
Am thinking about the other Maybes and the losses and the shit the world has dealt so many of us.
I even got to thinking today about the hurricanes here and the earthquake in Pak!stan, and how the end of the world must be coming. So much devastation. I guess everyone suffers at some point in their life. Yet, sometimes it really seems that some people never get "their share". I know that sounds trite, but you must agree to a point, that some people are just so lucky or repellent that nothing ever happens to them and they could not begin to fathom what a crisis would feel like. "When good things happen to bad people". Now there's a story.
But enough of that. I'm being positive today! I'm upbeat and warm and fuzzy! I'm shitting bluebirds and feeling super-duper! High on life! (Or is it the M&M's?)
Have a tremendous Tuesday, everyone! Love, Me.


Blogger Sue said...

funny - I used to be one of those people that bad things never happened to. Of course, life wasn't perfect, and I did divorce an unemployed meth addict (another story), but it wasn't until I lost my little dog two years ago when it finally hit me that I wasn't immune. I need to count my blessings more often.

Glad things are going well. BTW, I hate the word splooge. :)

Mon Oct 10, 10:17:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

snatchulance may be the greatest word ever created.

justin swears he knew a girl who could queef on command and also could smoke a cigarette through her hoo-ha. he swears he saw the cigarette puff with his own two eyes. i think maybe he was on crack at the time.

Tue Oct 11, 08:45:00 AM EDT  
Blogger cat said...

*snicker* Snatchulence. Glad to hear the spotting is gone. Hope it stays away for good.

Tue Oct 11, 02:16:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said... are so weird. That's why I love ya.

Chocolate comas aren't my thing. Now, the deep sleep I get after a bottle of wine...THAT's something to look forward to.

Tue Oct 11, 03:59:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

I need to bookmark the dictionary. Speaking of which, I predict that 'snatchulence' (origin Pennsylvania) will appear as a real word in the dictionary within 5 years.

Tue Oct 11, 04:42:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

I'll be damned. I googled and yahooed snatchulence and there wasn't even one single hit - not even myself! I think I may be onto something. Or, you might think I am "on" something. Regardless, yay me!
Just remember: You heard it here, first. Always on the cutting edge.

Tue Oct 11, 08:11:00 PM EDT  
Blogger gwendomama said...

goodgod, girl! if you DO bring it up with your OB and s/he has an answer for snatchulence, PLEASE share the wealth of information with us! I want to know too!
howabout 'twarts'?

Tue Oct 18, 02:34:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

Oh, twarts is another good one :D

Tue Oct 18, 06:20:00 AM EDT  

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