Guess it's time for an update of sorts.
I'm tired. Very very tired. Could sleep for days. My life needs a snooze button.
Gerry's treadmill test showed no problems. He's still having some lowgrade discomfort. Appointment this Friday with the plain old general doc for "management". He is incorrectly assuming that he might not bother to go; it is unnecessary. Wrong.
Things are quiet on the lawsuit side of things. Feeling confident that the other party is the current focus.
Did I mention I'm exhausted? A little sick on occasion. Could be that I may feel pretty ill and am ignoring it. I certainly don't feel great, but I am managing. Don't want to sound stupid, because by now I should KNOW better, but I swear that my pouch is pooching already. Pants tight, can feel a bulge when I lie flat. No weight gain according to the scale. Possibly wishful thinking. Next appointment: 10/17.
No munny, no funny. G missed more than a week of work, and yet the bills continue to come. (he makes about 3x as much as I do, the bastard.) Unsure how we are going to heat the home this winter. Oil prices are not going down. One option is employing the plastic-on-the-windows trick. We'll be the pride of the neighborhood. Add to that a new mystery ailment with my POS vehicle, and things aren't looking real peachy right about now. For me, days off of school = days at work. Retail therapy is not an option. Groceries are looking like a luxury. I know this too shall pass eventually, but it sucks while I'm here.
What would a post of mine be if I didn't have something to bitch about? Actually, things could be a helluva lot worse, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Next post: rose-colored glasses and four-leaf clovers.
I'm tired. Very very tired. Could sleep for days. My life needs a snooze button.
Gerry's treadmill test showed no problems. He's still having some lowgrade discomfort. Appointment this Friday with the plain old general doc for "management". He is incorrectly assuming that he might not bother to go; it is unnecessary. Wrong.
Things are quiet on the lawsuit side of things. Feeling confident that the other party is the current focus.
Did I mention I'm exhausted? A little sick on occasion. Could be that I may feel pretty ill and am ignoring it. I certainly don't feel great, but I am managing. Don't want to sound stupid, because by now I should KNOW better, but I swear that my pouch is pooching already. Pants tight, can feel a bulge when I lie flat. No weight gain according to the scale. Possibly wishful thinking. Next appointment: 10/17.
No munny, no funny. G missed more than a week of work, and yet the bills continue to come. (he makes about 3x as much as I do, the bastard.) Unsure how we are going to heat the home this winter. Oil prices are not going down. One option is employing the plastic-on-the-windows trick. We'll be the pride of the neighborhood. Add to that a new mystery ailment with my POS vehicle, and things aren't looking real peachy right about now. For me, days off of school = days at work. Retail therapy is not an option. Groceries are looking like a luxury. I know this too shall pass eventually, but it sucks while I'm here.
What would a post of mine be if I didn't have something to bitch about? Actually, things could be a helluva lot worse, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Next post: rose-colored glasses and four-leaf clovers.
Stop...the optimism is too much to take!
Hi, Julie! Thanks for the link to your blog. Get some rest. Glad Gerry's TM test came back o.k. Any explantion for the pain, though?
We are in a similar spot with K being attacked last month and everyone still wanting to be paid! And he is still having the occasional pain. But at least there is no major problem with G's heart.
It really is so stressful and tiring. Even if you weren't pg, you have enough happening to floor you. I'm really sorry about that:(
I will also be crossing my fingers that the other little toerag is getting all the blame for the exploded nose.
honestly, who wants to read about rose-colored glasses and four leaf clovers? too boring. tragedy is much better reading. not that i'm wishing you tragedy, you understand, but surely you could find something entertaining about which to bitch, for the benefit of your readership, who have come to rely on your acid wit for their enjoyment?
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