Monday, November 21, 2005


Had a quick checkup today.
Lost 10 lbs.
Sounds like one helluva a diet plan, huh?
"I lost 10 pounds in TWO weeks! Ask me how! Results may vary."
No results from the karyotyping yet. Perhaps within the next week or two.
Pelvic exam was tremendous. Don't need to return until I'm knocked up again. Was told I could get bizzy as soon as I am ready.
Still spotting. Of course, today, very very extremely little. Over the weekend, well, let's just say it was a little more than that. Boobs still leaking. Yes, even an early 13 week loss can make those tits go "I'm on the job, lady! We get overtime, right?"
So, I get to wear a bra to bed.
Which is really not going to be a problem.
Seems the husband isn't really into procreation anymore. He can't go through this again.
We discussed our feelings on the subject over a heaping pile of tater-tots.
He speaks of freedom, and financial independence. He wants to see me happy, and hates to see me cry. We can be blissful without a baby, honest. In a fit of frustration (I can be rather stubborn) he said, "You just don't get it, do you?"
"And neither will you".
He'll come around.
Or I'm going to get a kitten.


Blogger laura said...

justin is the one who was so not ready to make any decisions or commit to anything six weeks ago, and he's now the one wanting us to try now rather than later. men are so emotional. male hysteria is what causes so much of what they attribute elsewhere: old sports injuries, on the job injuries, back problems, hammered thumbs - all imagined by male hysteria.

i hope justin doesn't read this.

Mon Nov 21, 06:20:00 PM EST  
Blogger Stephanie said...

ewww... my husband did the same thing after my two m/c's - that random "I don't want a baby anymore" thing. But you're handling it well. It just plain pissed me off. He had a change of heart a month or so later...

Mon Nov 21, 10:49:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jillian said...

Yeah, K was a bit anti on the baby front for a while, but he came around pretty fast.

And when all is said and done, the opportunity to 'get bizzy' is usually more than they can resist anyway....

Glad you are healthy though:)

Tue Nov 22, 06:19:00 AM EST  

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