Friday, March 24, 2006

I feel the need, the need to bleed

So, uh, I don't need Provera.
Ok, so...
I should just start the Clomid, just like that.
And, my magic egg(s) will just pop out on what day?
When am I supposed to concentrate my efforts?
And my lining....
That big old fluffy bed of unshed endometrium...
It will, just, oh, I don't know, be all receptive and stuff?

Good thing this isn't an urgent matter. I come home at 6pm on a Friday with the most bizarre instructions on my answering machine. Take a pregnancy test and start the Clomid. You no longer need to take Provera first. He is aware that my last period was a million years ago. That's okay. Just make sure I'm not pregnant and let the hatching commence.
M-a-y-b-e there is some new protocol out there that I am oblivious to. I will spend the weekend gathering information, and will call the office on Monday.


Blogger Jillian said...

Wha??? Good luck with that. I think provera is very much out of vogue now though for its negative long term effects on fertility. You know, for those who *have* fertility.

PLease let us know how this continues.

Sat Mar 25, 06:55:00 AM EST  
Blogger Kellie said...

Yikes. Now, I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV but.. as someone who's just done the Provera/Clomid thing (which, btw hasn't worked for me either) how do you know what CD your on in order to know when to begin the Clomid if you haven't had your period?

Sat Mar 25, 05:03:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get that - have you consulted Dr. Google?

Sat Mar 25, 07:32:00 PM EST  

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