Sunday, April 16, 2006

...and then...

In preparation for my Very Important Interview, I've been doing a little personal maintenance this weekend... shaving, exfoliating, depilatoriating (?!), tweezing, moisturizing... OK so I'm very hairy with crusty skin. I have PCOS, you get used to it. I even glazed my lovely mane to disguise the temple grays and give my color a shiny, enriching boost. I figure, a little pampering never hurt anyone - if I feel all polished and perfect, then that just might be the impression I give, yes?
I did up a nifty manicure with polish that matched My Interview Outfit. Funny how when clothes hang in the closet for a while they shrink. WTF. I look like a stuffed sausage done up in gift wrap with very ugly shoes but kickin' hair.
In anticipation of landing this amazing job, I went ahead and did some shopping several days ago. That's just how confident I am. The underlying reason for this compulsive binge was that I would be wearing a different style of apparel in this position, and I would most definitely be needing a few things. Why not be prepared? At least that's what I tell myself. Excuses, excuses.
Turns out, though, that it might have been an omen or something equally rational, because - if my packages arrive tomorrow (oh pleasepleaseplease), I will have something to wear to this freakin' interview!
If not, I'll show up looking fabulous in frumpy clothes, but I'll manage to pull it off because I'm just so amazing and all.
Man, I can sure lay on the shit thick, can't I?
Ok, on to the other stuff.
CD 17, still no action on the OPKs. Here's a quick question for you gals... ever have a numb or tingly sensation in the coot that signaled either ovulation or an oncoming menses? I'm not talking the Church Lady's suggestion of engorged and tingly naughty bits, either, although I do feel like doing that dance when I say it. LOL
On the vehicle subject, by some miracle the light disappeared while en route to the garage. Whodathunkit. They "reset the computer" for me, anyway. Such friendly folks.
Had a weird dream last night. I was allowed to get a cat or have a baby - but not both. It was my choice, and something I would have to live with, no changing my mind or trying to get my way and do both. I was honestly considering a kitten because that was the "sure thing".
The amorous hubby has taken a turn for the worse and become a cranky sick child. I think purging his system of bad humours would be beneficial to us all. I'll try to talk him into giving it a whirl.
Thank you for all the good luck wishes. I'll be sure to keep you informed of every little detail you could possibly care for, and then some. :-D


Blogger DD said...

Maybe you are sapping the poor hubby's lifeforce right out of him, hence his recent illness?

Good luck at the interview.

Mon Apr 17, 04:46:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said...

Good luck at the interview!

Mon Apr 17, 08:04:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

good luck and break a leg (or whatever the job equivalent is...).

Mon Apr 17, 09:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Kellie said...

Good luck at the interview.

As for the engine light, was it blinking? Sometimes, if you don't get the gas cap on right, it will come on.

Mon Apr 17, 10:19:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

Good luck - you deserve a great job whereyou can shine all you want and not have to hideyour brilliance. And you did all that hair stuff.

As for tingly coots, are you asking if it is regular to get a touch ahem, *horny*, during egg poppin' time? Then yuppers, that's the way the universe ensures the survival of the species - no headaches allowed!!!

Tue Apr 18, 04:21:00 AM EDT  

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