Friday, May 19, 2006

Boldly going where I should fucking know better

"I totally get what you're saying," he told me. Man created God in his own image, organized religion is a human invention, and the presence of an omniscient power serves to help us explain the unknown.
"But, what about the miracles?"
What about them? Can they be proven? Who wrote about them? His followers.
"Well, why did he have so many believers if it wasn't true?"
Perhaps he was a very charismatic person. People needed something good to believe in, and his purpose was admirable.
"So, you don't believe in God, but you believe in Jesus?"
No, and no... I am completely agnostic at this point. I don't have any proof either way, therefore an answer does not exist; only opinions. In my opinion, the notion of a god is actually a pretty harmless allusion, and an even helpful one when you think about it. DO UNTO OTHERS. TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. LIVE AND LET LIVE. As far as Jesus goes, yes I do believe there was a person alive who taught the golden rule and strove for goodness; do I buy into all of the amazing actions? Not so much.
"What about the resurrection?"
"But there's proof of that."
Show me.
"It has been recorded; people that saw him and spoke to him after the crucifixion."
Again, his followers.
The New Testament was written by men with a motive. There were revisions and editing out the wazoo. There were books left out.
My point is simply that life is a series of random events that cumulate into one giant chaotic pile of Hmmm.
"I still don't see how you can dismiss Jesus as a plain old human being."
Ok, fine. He was a cybernetic organisim sent from the future to save mankind.
"You shouldn't say things like that, even if you're joking."
Why, is he going to punish me?


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