Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Nine pretty follicles, all in a row
Each and every one of them look ready to blow
Endo lining looks ripe and thick
Doc says don't worry, and slips me his...

22 gauge 1 1/2" needle full of hcg.

I did it. Seven on the right, two on the left, and we're just oh so hopeful.
I must have missed the lecture on how fluffing miserable this shit is. I feel homicidal and crampy already. Okay, just a tad more than normal, but still.
Now if I can demand my husband to supply the goods everything will be hunky-dory. Or whatever.

I am so dumb.


Blogger Kellie said...


You overachiever you! 9 is awesome. Here's hoping you get knocked up!

Tue May 16, 09:22:00 AM EDT  
Blogger DD said...

Fluffing? Not YOU, too! Actually when you put it in that context, I think of "fluffers" (you know, from the porn industry).

I am hopeful for you, as well.

Tue May 16, 02:34:00 PM EDT  
Blogger kati said...

that's quite the number of follicles you have there! Me think, your ovaries deserve a high five. Or whatever. But seriously, this sounds very promising.

Tue May 16, 04:24:00 PM EDT  
Blogger MB said...

You kill me. That's hilarious.

Tue May 16, 04:30:00 PM EDT  
Blogger laura said...

go get 'em, tiger!

Tue May 16, 09:56:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Ann Howell said...

I'm so out of touch. I didn't even know you were going the stim route. Your numbers sound great! Hope you and hubby hit the jackpot this month... (And I promise to start paying more attention to what's going outside of my pitiful little universe. I've been navel-gazing for too long now!)

Wed May 17, 06:51:00 PM EDT  

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