Friday, June 09, 2006

Running with Twinkies

Hey! How ya doin?
Not a whole lot going on in my world to blog about this week.
Soper posted this many moons ago, and I just wanted to stress how important relaxing, focused meditation can be.
And Twinkies. Ohm.
Sure, Buddhism teaches an eight-fold path, but we're bitter, so we're only going to follow four.

The Bitter Woman's Guide to Zen

To know nirvana, you must understand these four noble truths:

  • Any thing that angers me will incur my wrath
  • All suffering is caused by my wrath
  • You can avoid my wrath by not being stupid
  • You can avoid being stupid by following the four-fold path:

-- Do not say anything to contradict me.

This is called "Right Views"

-- Strive, at all times, not to anger me.

This is called "Right Intentions"

-- Do not say anything that you know, or even suspect, will anger me.

This is called "Right Speech"

--Keep a chocolate bar and a Twinkie for me, on your person, at all times.

This is called "Right Conduct"

You can find the road to nirvana by contemplating the ancient koans, or riddles:

  1. What is the sound of my fist slamming against your head?
  2. All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. Knowing this, would a wise man poke a snake?
  3. Tabibi once asked Baso, "What is Buddha?" Baso answered, "Fucked if I know. Where's my Twinkie?"
  4. Right Views. Right Intentions. Right Speech. Right Conduct. If a student has the patience to wait until the mud clears, the student will not get his ass kicked.

Peace be with you.

A twinkie split.
Bananas are just too healthy
to waste on a bad mood.


Blogger Catherine said...

That comes close to the ice cream, brownie, fudge concoction my husband just fed me. As soon as the digital batteries are done recharging, I shall post a picture.

Not such a fan of twinkies. They have a half life you know. :o)

Fri Jun 09, 08:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

Yum, I can't wait!

Fri Jun 09, 10:12:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Kathy McC said...

This is awesome. Now I need some chocolate.

Sat Jun 10, 09:34:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Kellie said...

mmmm twinkies. You gotta love phallic shaped cream filled cake.

Sat Jun 10, 01:35:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post! And now I want a Twinkie...

Thu Jun 15, 06:28:00 AM EDT  

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