Monday, August 21, 2006

...and it was good

Woweeee! I've never enjoyed a shower more than that. I didn't want to get out. I must've washed my hair a half dozen times. Today, I even shaved.
Don't get me wrong, we *did* practice basic hygiene, but birdbaths only get you so far. Every other day we'd sludge our way over to the in-laws for a good scrubbin'.
But this, THIS, is just too wonderful.
Yay, Mr. Fixit! You deserve a special treat for your heroic effort. ::wink,wink::
Ah, but still. We have the walls and floor to finish. We'll get around to the kitchen ceiling eventually. Really, plumbing is a wonderful thing. I'm all set. Good to go. Worn out.
Saw the doc. Diastolic pressure is high(120/90), ankles not too swollen (yet) today. Heart sounds good, pulse on the high side of normal(84), went for bloodwork and peed in a cup. If nothing is wrong medically, then I *am* just nuts. She gave me my paxil. And I've gained a lucky 13 pounds. She urged me to contact Dr. Wonderful about my periods (or lack thereof). Unless my thyroid suddenly went on the blink (which she is checking, again. Along with the blood sugar and cholesterol and electrolytes and tread wear and wiper blades, all for the low low cost of $19.95 (plus tax)), there doesn't seem to be any reason other than my bum ovaries to blame.
I go back to work tomorrow. While I'm sad to have to kiss my vacation goodbye, I'll be absolutely thrilled to And wear real clothes. Today I managed to do my hair and makeup and put on some spiffy digs just to remember what I could look like in the real world. My word, the laundry I have to do! Everything is covered in drywall dust. I mean EVERYTHING. Trace amounts of gypsum will show on my UA.
I'm off to do a few errands, and buy a bucket of chicken before I start the "new me" routine. Girl's gotta have a little fun, right?


Blogger Diana said...

you got to shave? I'm jealous.
Bless Mr. Fixit, betcha he'll do some walls and stuff faster now that there was ::wink wink::!

Mon Aug 21, 03:07:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Kathy McC said...

Enjoy that bucket-o-chicken!! And hooray for the nice long shower!

Mon Aug 21, 08:34:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said...

I'm so sorry I couldn't give you a reason to wear real clothes and get out of the house. :o(

Mon Aug 21, 10:11:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

thank god for that, i could smell you from here;) kidding! glad big g has come through with the new bathroom:)

Tue Aug 22, 08:30:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Kellie said...

Nothing beats showing in your own home! Glad your back in business.

Tue Aug 22, 09:51:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Kellie said...

Showing? Showering even

proofread Kellie, proofread!

Tue Aug 22, 09:51:00 AM EDT  
Blogger kati said...

Belated happy birthday! And congratulations on the new shower. feels good, doesn't it?

Tue Aug 22, 03:16:00 PM EDT  
Blogger DD said...

Waaah! Jill stole my line: "smell you from here".

Did you know if you forego the shaving of a line of hair on the back of your legs, you can grow it out; braid it; and it will look like you are wearing seamed stockings?

Cool, huh?

Tue Aug 22, 04:57:00 PM EDT  
Blogger lorem ipsum said...

Hooray for hot showers! You should do commercials, because I think everyone here wants one. I know I do.

ps Happy belated birthday!

Tue Aug 22, 08:59:00 PM EDT  

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