Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, I appreciate your thoughts (and attention!).
Recently, I reacted in a bit of a surprised horror when one of my friends told me "The next time Joe pisses me off, I'm buying new appliances!". She wasn't talking coffee pots, either. Her stainless steel fridge, stove, dishwasher, trash compactor and microwave are almost ten years old now! I thought, now that's a bit harsh. But then I thought, she is insane. My husband would KILL me. Plus, we don't even HAVE that kind of credit. Wonder what she'd buy me if Joe pissed ME off? I'll have to get on that.
But then my big day came and went and at first I wasn't too miffed because we were just too preoccupied to even bother to care. It wasn't until The Hubster and I were at one of those dented can & surplus crap stores that it hit me. He's looking at sweatshirts and jean jackets, and all I wanted was this poodle-fluff throw, and HE TOLD ME NO. Uh... WTF? No? Oh no you di'unt. So I bought it, and came home and started looking at jewelry online. Oh yes. I have purchased two gold bracelets. One is an Omega. Scorn!


Blogger DD said...

They'll never get it, will they.

I like bling as much as the next person, but what the hell is a "poodle-fluff throw"?

Wed Aug 23, 09:58:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Kellie said...

I was told no just once... that lead to the great sex drought of 1998.

Despite how I blog, I can go a lot longer than he can. lol.

Congrats on the bling.

Wed Aug 23, 12:14:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

I don't know what an Omega is, let alone a poodle-fluff throw, but congrats on standing up to the man!! Literally.

Happy belated birthday too!

Wed Aug 23, 12:53:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said...

I am dying laughing over here!

Wed Aug 23, 03:15:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No??? Does he realize how that would affect him? Omega as in watch? Wow. You go.

Wed Aug 23, 03:49:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

Which begs the question, what will YOU buy ME, if G manages to piss me off? All you need to do is write something less than flattering or else I could simply go out in sympathy with you... ahhh, forbidden bling!

Wed Aug 23, 05:47:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Julie said...

DD and Lisa, a poodle-fluff throw is a cheesy little blanket made from faux fur-type material. The color of this one is sort of a neon blue, satin on one side and poodle-fuzzy on the other. It is function, not fashion, in this case; it is so cozy.
Lisa, Kathy, not Omega brand watch, rather the type of chain that is similar to herringbone but shinier and prettier and just a wee bit more expensive.
I can go from tacky to tasteful just like that. ::snap::
Kellie - LMAO "the great sex drought of '98"! Snicker!
And no, Diana, I suspect they never will. That's why we're in charge! :-)
Hi Catherine and Jill!

Thu Aug 24, 12:35:00 AM EDT  

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