Monday, March 19, 2007

...and I quote

"You can not prevent the birds of sadness from passing over your head, but you can prevent them from making a nest in your hair".

~Chinese proverb



Blogger Baby Blues said...

But could you prevent them from dropping poops on your head as they fly by?

Love the quote. Thanks.

Thu Mar 29, 05:36:00 AM EDT  
Blogger BabylossDirectory said...

I have been reading your blog and have been moved by your writing. I apologize for the SPAM-like quality of this comment, but I wanted to invite you to submit your blog for listing on the Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss Blog Directory. This is a blog that we are establishing to help the newly (or not so newly) bereaved connect with other bloggers and find helpful resources. The more people who submit their blogs, the better the resource will be.

I hope you will consider submitting your blog.

~ delphi at Eight Million Pieces

Thu Apr 05, 01:00:00 PM EDT  

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