Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm not dead yet

Yes, it has been more than a month since my last post. And yes, I'm still breathing, for the most part.
Work is kicking my ass. Being a complete dumbshit I agreed to work two 12's and two 8's a week. This gives me an extra day off, on paper. In reality, since I'm on the night turn, it gives me a day to sleep. And the fucker that does the scheduling is a real piece of work, lemme tell you. I'm no genius, and if I had a few spare brain cells to be working with in addition to "free time", I would be glad to take a looksee and figure out just where she is going at it all wrong. In a brief explanation it looks like this: work 2, off 2, work 2 off 1, great so far.... work 4 off 1 work 3 off 1... gah! [I realize that is more than two weeks, but I got fed up with the trainwreck and summarized]
Ok. So. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I haven't blogged to vent in a l-o-n-g time. And you come here to find some interesting literary masterpiece, only to recall that all I do is complain anyway. So here's a little teaser.
I seem to have misplaced my April cycle. I don't know where I left it. I checked all my pockets and between the couch cushions. I was pretty sure I had it, at one point. Because I can't go around marking big red "X"s on calendars, I have been faithful for the past 5 years or so at logging it into Futility Friend. My last recorded cycle was March 1st. Surely I just was to busy to notice it was here. But, given my nasty periods, I hardly doubt that could be. In the absence of any symptoms whatsoever, I must propose that stress has kept it at bay, and I'm going through a trough right now.
It wasn't until I noticed mood swings and weepiness that I thought "must be PMS". I checked to see when I was due, and "WTF?!", I was due like, 21 days ago. Therefore, *this* PMS is right on cue for the next cycle, and all is well. Hell, I even appear to be regulating, which is a miracle.
Now, if I can just fight the urge to test. Haven't felt that sensation in a good, long while. Meh.


Blogger DD said...

Glad to hear you're not dead. That has to count for something, right? Actually, I say it counts for a lot.

And you vent on your blog? What a concept! I'll keep stopping by to listen.

Thu Apr 26, 11:11:00 AM EDT  
Blogger kati said...

good to hear from you!

Fri Apr 27, 02:54:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Catherine said...

Oh, you sneak! When WILL you test then?

Mon Apr 30, 09:39:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Ann Howell said...

That schedule seems like a real bear -- no wonder your April cycle went AWOL! (of course, there could be the ever-so-obvious reason for its absence...) Glad to hear from you, at any rate. You'll always have an audience, no matter how much you vent -- that's what we're here for!

Wed May 02, 09:11:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Jillian said...

No one hates the world quite so beautifully as you;) Good to hear from you and have you had the chance to decide about that test thingy you were maybe going to do?

Thu May 03, 04:55:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey...good to know you are alive? So, you period is hanging out with mine, playing hooky and all? Well, to remedy is to go to the dr, because they will assure you it is coming and I swear that once you make that appointment for the Hcg to flood gates open - I swear not, it is happening - 2 weeks late and all. Damn that bloody hoar. I do hope your outcome is different though....

Sat May 05, 12:22:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Andria said...

i love the effing hamster on the right.
night shift sucks. i did that for years... and was placed on call on most of the nights i was off. which, working in a nicu, meant that i was called in.

Wed Jun 06, 08:46:00 PM EDT  

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