Monday, September 20, 2010

...and we have an answer

Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome).
In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, 'so it was a girl", thus confirming my suspicion.
However, the very basis of monosomy X is the lack of a "Y" (or another X), so that theory doesn't really prove anything.
Plus, the genetics testing from the previous female lost showed nothing abnormal whatsoever, further proving we know nada, nothing, zilch. That is, regarding my persistent bad luck. Each time it is something new or different, so... I don't know.
Throw caution to the wind and see what new and improved disorder or freak accident we can conjure up? Or close up shop and board the windows?
I'm a huge fan of fate and/or destiny and/or random happenings; I don't care to meddle where my interference is either useless or unwelcome. It's not the "meant to be" factor, rather more of an "Eh, whatever. Let the chips fall where they may". I've long since decided that if the outcome of anything is somehow contingent on my efforts, and it FAILS, then I can't handle the disappointment or guilt or shame or general let-down that ensues. This applies, of course, to those areas of life where I have no control.
Any amount of functioning logic should tell me that repeated failures might indicate a change in perspective could be beneficial. Like, maybe, stop leaving something like this up to random misadventure and become more involved. You know, put an end to the potentiality (is that even a word?? it is now) and stop letting chance have its way with me. Stop being so easy.
Yet, it feels like I'd be giving up. Like I'm a quitter. And, "what if" we missed out on something amazing because we tried to make things happen (or not happen, in this case). My own twisted version of the butterfly effect, chaos not included.
Too much to grasp at this time; I'm not feeling too philosophical at the moment and I've got other stuff to do.
Just sayin'.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Local Woman Devoid of Answers

Breaking News
An area woman declares she knows next-to-nothing about her mysterious visitor: who it was or why they vacated the residence without warning.
"Sure, I wasn't expecting company, so I wasn't prepared - the room was probably a mess and I've been told I'm not the most hospitable host... but I tried really hard", stated the property owner.
Previous residents have related, "It's a nice place to visit, but ya wouldn't want to live there".
The area is currently closed for renovation. Future use of the site is questionable at best, state authorities. Zoning regulations are being reviewed.

The doc called Thursday evening. He received a requisition for approval of further genetic testing (FISH) as no cells grew. NONE. They were unable to do a single thing with the placenta and other tissues/fluid sent. He hadn't heard back from pathology about the teeny little autopsy specimen. At the very least, I would like to know the gender. Even if I could find out it was another female, then my expansive coping skills can conclude (by assumption) that I have problems carrying a specific gender, and I can gain some closure. It's the not knowing that bugs me.